What if your next preacher was already a part of your church?

What if it was you?

Now Accepting Registrations

You may now register for the October 2024 session.

More Information
Click Here to Register

Eight Weeks of Ministry Training

Finish the course with a sermon ready to preach, a plan to stabilize your Sundays, an introduction to pastoral care, and more.

An Online Course with a Mentor

You don't have to figure it all out on your own. As a part of the course, you'll have a weekly Zoom call with a mentor.

Explore Where God Might Call You Next

Eight weeks isn't very long. Take the class now, and explore what God might be calling you to in the future.

It's a Crisis

Across America, thousands of small churches are on the brink of closing their doors, often because congregations are unable to find a minister. What if the next minister at your church wasn’t a professional whom you found in a pulpit search, but a member of the congregation who is willing to step up and “bridge” for a season or even longer? What if you could train church members to lead in an interim capacity or to take their first steps towards a long-term ministry?

New Models of Ministry Training

Kingdom Partnerships, in collaboration with the Christian Church Leadership Network, is offering an 8-week class covering basic ministry skills for those who are considering whether God might be calling them to serve as a “Bridge” in their local church. This class can be taken without leaving home or leaving your job; complete the coursework online and at your own schedule, with a 1-hour call with a ministry mentor every week.

Bridge Training Flyer

Where is God calling you?
